Welcome to East Grinstead Angling Society Website
Shovelstrode Lake
A quiet water just north of the village of Ashurst Wood. Privately owned by a nearby racing stable it has been fished by the Society since 2015.
There have been good catches that include small carp, one or two reports of carp close to 10 lbs and tench to about 2.5lbs. There are roach, rudd and gudgeon in the lake
Water Rules
The lake is adjacent to the gallops and horses are exercised during the day. In addition to our normal rules no member is to walk on the gallops or to obstruct access to them. Parking is to the immediate right hand side of the access gate.
Normal Society rules apply. There is night fishing allowed at this water. Noise must be kept to a minimum between 10:00pm and 07:00am.
Turn off the A22 East Grinstead to Eastbourne Rd at Ashurst Wood. Along Maypole and Homestall Rd to the sharp bend then turn left along the track leading past Andy Irvines Stables. Alternatively it can be accessed off the A264 East Grinstead to Tunbridge Wells, Turning right at the sign for Ashurst Wood. Follow the road to the sharp bend and turn right.