Welcome to East Grinstead Angling Society Website
Readers Lake
A popular, purpose designed 3 acre lake that is owned and managed by the Society. The closest pegs are only a few yards from the car park and offer reasonable access for disabled members.
Off the A246 Crawley to East Grinstead Rd. About 300m from the Felbridge traffic lights turn into Crawley Down Road. After 800m there us a very sharp bend going over a small bridge. Immediately after the bridge is a track on the right hand leading to the locked gates of the lake.
The lake is stocked with carp to double figures, crucian carp, tench, bream, roach and perch. Although not claimed as a club record a 4lbs 2oz perch was caught in 2006.
Water Rules
This water is closed from 31 March to 31 May inclusive. Special rules apply at Readers. Please consult the Society Information & Rules before fishing. A previous ban on floating baits has now been lifted. The ban on braid lines and boilies as groundbait remains in place. These rules will be enforced
Pellets are allowed as both hook and in-line feeder bait.